Aris Aesthetic Gynecology LLC



The o-shot, or “orgasm shot”, is an injection treatment designed to help women increase their sexual pleasure and improve the quality of their orgasms. It uses a combination of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and growth factors derived from the patient's own blood. This treatment can be used to reduce symptoms of vaginal atrophy, low libido, stress urinary incontinence, and more. The procedure involves drawing blood from the patient's arm and then spinning it in a centrifuge to separate out the PRP. Once separated out, this clear golden liquid containing platelets and growth factors is injected into specific areas around the clitoris and upper vagina, resulting in increased sensitivity and enhanced orgasms.

The o-shot has been used to help women who have difficulty achieving orgasm, or who experience reduced sensation in the vagina. The treatment has also been reported to provide relief from urinary incontinence, a condition which affects many women after menopause or childbirth. Many women report that they need fewer attempts to reach orgasm and have stronger sensations during sex. Some even find it easier to achieve multiple orgasms.

In clinical trials, the success rate for enhancing sexual pleasure was very high among patients who received PRP treatments. This makes sense as we know that platelets and other growth factors can increase blood flow and circulation around the clitoris and upper vagina, leading to increased sensitivity in these areas. Furthermore, these same growth factors can also help to regenerate and rebuild tissue in the vagina, leading to improved elasticity.

The o-shot treatment has been reported as being relatively safe and comfortable, with few side effects reported by most patients. As this is a procedure involving injections into sensitive areas, some mild discomfort may be experienced during the procedure itself. It is important to note that because the patient's own blood is being used for the procedure, there are minimal risks associated with infection or contamination. Additionally, it should be noted that although it is possible to see some results from this particular treatment within 3–4 weeks of receiving the shot, full effects can take up to 6 months.

Although many women report positive results from this treatment, there are still many unknowns, such as the long-term effects of the treatment and how often it needs to be repeated in order to maintain its effects. As this is a relatively new procedure, more research is needed to understand the full potential benefits and risks of o-shot treatments.

Overall, the o-shot has been reported as being an effective way to improve sexual pleasure and reduce symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy and low libido. Although more research is needed, many women have already begun taking advantage of this treatment to enhance their sex lives and experience greater satisfaction during intercourse. If you are considering trying o-shot treatments for yourself or someone you care about, make sure to thoroughly discuss the risks and potential benefits with your doctor before proceeding.

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What is the O-Shot?

The O-Shot, or “orgasm shot”, is an injection treatment designed to help women increase their sexual pleasure and improve the quality of their orgasms. It uses a combination of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and growth factors derived from the patient's own blood.

How long does it take to see results?

Although it is possible to experience some results within 3–4 weeks after receiving the shot, full effects can take up to 6 months.

Is the O-Shot safe?

Yes, the o-shot has been reported as being relatively safe and comfortable, with few side effects reported by most patients. As this is a procedure involving injections into sensitive areas, some mild discomfort may be experienced during the procedure itself.

How often do I need to receive the O-Shot?

The frequency of o-shot treatments is currently unknown, and more research is needed to understand how often it needs to be repeated in order to maintain its effects. It is important to discuss these risks and potential benefits with your doctor before proceeding.

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